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  • could it support HTML CSS JS format in the post?

could it support HTML CSS JS format in the post?

Aug 9, 2019 - 5:39 AM

https://getchamp.myshopify.com/community/champ/forums/7/topics/10118 Copy
  • how to let this code snippet is available in the post, such as e-widget no-buttonhref=https://gleam.io/yGZPa/csacasrel=nofollow>CSACAS

    This post was edited Aug 9, 2019 05:40AM
  • Really hope this could be solved, the text-only post format is really not popular.

  • @garysong The formatting of the text can be done with Markdown:


    I get asked the question of why can't users input HTML/CSS/JS directly. The quickest way to understand why is to recognize that users will be able to edit your website by entering poorly formed HTML tags.

    For example, someone could add a comment like this:

    // A competitor sets some cookie that starts tracking YOUR customers and advertising to them using retargetting

    In short, this is a big security risk and is not something Champ will ever implement.

    If you need to add some custom HTML snippet, the best way would be to use custom snippets or create a separate Shopify page and link out to that.

    Reference for using custom snippets:


    This post was edited Aug 9, 2019 07:01PM

    Need help? Contact me at support@getchamp.net or here. Brand new! Add your own signature at https://getchamp.myshopify.com/community/champ/preference
  • Hi support team

    To add text in a specific color, should we go through the Shopify Snippet route as well?
    I didn't find how to add some color using the markdown syntax

    Thank you


    Champ user
  • Hi @brett, Markdown doesn't support adding colours to an arbitrary text.

    If you're looking to highlight a certain markup (that the Markdown generates), then you can do so with custom CSS.


    Need help? Contact me at support@getchamp.net or here. Brand new! Add your own signature at https://getchamp.myshopify.com/community/champ/preference
  • kljkljlkj

Quick reply

How to format posts

Champ uses Markdown for formatting text in posts. Certain markup tags (eg. H1) are forbidden to ensure that pages remain semantically compliant. Other tags are automatically sanitized to ensure all content is secure.

  • Emphasis, aka italics, with *asterisks* or _underscores_.
  • Strong emphasis, aka bold, with **asterisks** or __underscores__.
  • Combined emphasis with **asterisks and _underscores_**.
  • Strikethrough uses two tildes. ~~Scratch this.~~
  • Links are added automatically, but can be formatted like so: [My link](https://mylink.com)
For more information, take a look at the Markdown Cheatsheet.