VHSGJQM stands for a particular that signifies an essential aspect of numerous industries. No matter whether it is technology or business motors VHSGJQM refers to a specific set of tools, methodologies or principles that have been worked out over time to respond to set of challenges. As much as VHSGJQM comes embedded with some spectacular advantages, it is inclusive of some demerits as well. Below is the list showing the major issues and criticism levelled against this business strategy.

  • It could be a little difficult to follow
  • This means that it can take a lot of time to learn.
  • Core activities will have to be shifted from companies' focus
  • It can be challenging to see results firsthand when people make mistakes.
  • This might become outdated by the time people get accustomed to it.

For more read - https://perfectio.net/vhsgjqm/