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Where is Champ hosted?

Feb 17, 2018 - 9:33 AM

https://getchamp.myshopify.com/community/champ/forums/6/topics/23 Copy
  • I see that Champ is served from the subdirectory /community/champ. I don't see the templates in my theme file. Where is Champ hosted?

  • Champ is hosted on servers separate from your Shopify store. The directory at /community/champ is proxied by Shopify to our servers (eg. the one that you read right here).

  • Can you elaborate on where Champ is hosted and what the expected uptime is? We're looking for info that can help gauge uptime; for example, are you hosted on AWS or some other cloud service, or something local?

  • Just read on your FAQ page that you host the code on servers in Toronto and backed up in New York... can we know why you didn't use a Cloud service, like AWS or Google? We experienced some loading issues this AM and have some mild concerns about your uptime ability going forward, especially at scale if/when Champ becomes more popular. Having it hosted on AWS or similar could service seems more reliable, but would like to hear more about your decision to self-host.

  • Hi there,

    The application is hosted on Digital Ocean. We don't manage the hosting ourselves. I've added a reply to this thread: https://getchamp.myshopify.com/community/champ/forums/6-pre-sales-q-a/topics/4332-uptime

    I'll copy and paste what I've said there to this thread as well...

    I'll take a look at what's happening there. I will likely add a few web server instances while I take a look to see if the problem is code based or related to network issues or what not.

    In terms of the logo not loading, I have noticed this once last week as well. The digital assets are hosted on Digital Ocean -- and they've been having some issues with their uptime.

    If this problem persists, I think what we'll have to do is relocate the assets to somewhere else. The assets are already duplicated to different data centres, so this should not be too hard to do.

    This post was edited Jan 26, 2019 08:05PM

    Need help? Contact me at support@getchamp.net or here. Brand new! Add your own signature at https://getchamp.myshopify.com/community/champ/preference
  • THANK YOU!! Appreciate the details and gives additional peace of mind. Keep rocking it!

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