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Planned Champ Features (March 2020)

Mar 2, 2020 - 1:16 PM

https://getchamp.myshopify.com/community/champ/forums/7/topics/15474 Copy
  • This topic is read only
  • As usual, a monthly thread is created to keep our customers informed about what new features are coming up.


    • Improve user-to-user (private) messaging page - March --> April to release
    • More moderator controls for users (eg. points) - TBD
    • Update Sitemap with user profiles - TBD


    • Added user description
    • Additional countermeasures implemented I cannot elaborate further, but system has been upgraded. :-)
    • Layout customizations
    • Security fixes
    • Allow use of generic avatar image for un-customized user avatar
    • Metadata added to Topic model
    • Allow querying of metadata on Topic model
    • Add target=_blank as part of markdown rendering


    • Timestamps for private messages - TBD


    • Improve PageSpeed


    • Bulk updates to forums
    • Push notifications
    • Group (public) chatroom
    • User level bookmarking
    • Better user on-site notifications (eg. Facebook style) - TBD

    Last month's thread: https://getchamp.myshopify.com/community/champ/forums/7-support/topics/13533-planned-champ-features-february-2020

    If you have any ideas or suggestions, please add it below here. I ask that you create an account and log in if you post so that I can follow up with you directly if I have any questions or need clarification on suggestions.

    This post was edited Mar 24, 2020 02:33PM

    Need help? Contact me at support@getchamp.net or here. Brand new! Add your own signature at https://getchamp.myshopify.com/community/champ/preference
  • Hi @champsupport

    Could you please explain what the Timestamps for private messages - TBD is about exactly?

    Thank you

    Champ user
  • Hi @champsupport

    Could we add a Description field in the managed preference (profile) page?
    I want my users to share a bit more about themselves

    A standard textbox will do for me.

    Thanks a lot

    This post was edited Mar 20, 2020 06:11PM

    Champ user
  • @brett The timestamp is to show when messages were sent.

    For the other thing you requested, it’ll be added today.


    Updated -- Added. To enable, go to Settings > Enable user description

    Markdown input is accepted. Styling can be handled by adding custom CSS with the class selector of champ-user-description.

    This post was edited Mar 3, 2020 01:21PM

    Need help? Contact me at support@getchamp.net or here. Brand new! Add your own signature at https://getchamp.myshopify.com/community/champ/preference
  • Great news thank you

    Champ user
  • Great addition

    What about adding the /users URL profiles in the generated sitemap also?

    So that the description content will get indexed for SEO


    This post was edited Mar 4, 2020 08:04AM

    Champ user
  • @brett User inclusion into sitemap will be added as an optional setting.

    Need help? Contact me at support@getchamp.net or here. Brand new! Add your own signature at https://getchamp.myshopify.com/community/champ/preference
  • You're a rockstar. Thank you thank you thank you

    Champ user
  • Additional spam mitigation measures were implemented today. This was an unexpected update to Champ, and so took more time than expected. You should notice less spam. As well, you can mark posts as spam (when you're logged in as a moderator).

    Need help? Contact me at support@getchamp.net or here. Brand new! Add your own signature at https://getchamp.myshopify.com/community/champ/preference
  • Champ - Spammers : 1 - 0 for Champ !!

    Champ user
  • Thanks @brett :-)

    Need help? Contact me at support@getchamp.net or here. Brand new! Add your own signature at https://getchamp.myshopify.com/community/champ/preference
  • Added layout customization as a feature yesterday. You can read about it here: https://getchamp.myshopify.com/community/champ/forums/7-support/topics/15948-new-feature-layout-customization

    As well, today rolled out some security fixes.

    Still unfinished is fixing the Recaptcha problem. The latest version of Chrome (browser) and Safari have seemed to broke this. Will post more once I have an update.

    Next up -- I'll be working on:

    • Allow use of generic avatar image for un-customized user avatar - March
    This post was edited Mar 19, 2020 01:26PM

    Need help? Contact me at support@getchamp.net or here. Brand new! Add your own signature at https://getchamp.myshopify.com/community/champ/preference
  • Add custom un-customized user avatar. You can now upload a generic avatar (eg. your brand) for users who didn't upload a custom avatar.

    Please have a look. This took a lot longer to release than expected, and required quite a bit of rewrite!

    This post was edited Mar 20, 2020 11:51AM

    Need help? Contact me at support@getchamp.net or here. Brand new! Add your own signature at https://getchamp.myshopify.com/community/champ/preference
  • Thanks so much!!
    Sorry, it took that long. If I knew, I wouldn't have asked.
    Please let me know next time as this isn't a VIP feature :) (while being very cool)

    That's being said, I have another one now...

    I like to read some forum posts from my users, and then put them back as Unread - so that the dumb me will remember to deal with them later.
    This has nothing to do with topic moderation.
    It's just for me to have a way to remember what I have to answer to

    Is that already possible?
    If not, having it at the topic level would be grand!! :)

    Thank you

    Edit: it's a very stupid idea
    I can do that using the tags... :) letting my comment here for two reasons
    1/ reminder that I should think before asking something
    2/ if someone come-up with a similar feature request - to be used as reference

    This post was edited Mar 20, 2020 06:10PM

    Champ user
  • @brett -- not a bad idea at all.

    I think what you're looking at is having some way of book marking comments (at the individual user level). I think for users, this might be useful too (ie. non-admins who can't modify tags).

    I've added it to my list -- and will put some thoughts into implementation.

    Need help? Contact me at support@getchamp.net or here. Brand new! Add your own signature at https://getchamp.myshopify.com/community/champ/preference
  • I'm adding a todo to the list -- this is a personal one. I'd like to see a better way for notifications to show up -- sort of like how Facebook does it.

    Need help? Contact me at support@getchamp.net or here. Brand new! Add your own signature at https://getchamp.myshopify.com/community/champ/preference
  • I understand and that's a good idea indeed

    For me, as the forum admin, I've solved my problem adding a todo tag :)

    This post was edited Mar 21, 2020 06:12AM

    Champ user
  • Hi there

    Can we, with the markdown syntax, open an URL in a new tab? (target=_blank)
    I tried a few stuff found on the internet, but couldn't make it work

    Source: https://www.mydigitaltoolbox.pro/blog/markdown-kramdown-link-new-tab/

    Thank you

    This post was edited Mar 21, 2020 07:21AM

    Champ user
  • Added target=_blank to list. Cheers!

    Need help? Contact me at support@getchamp.net or here. Brand new! Add your own signature at https://getchamp.myshopify.com/community/champ/preference
  • Link attribute for target is done. Please see release notes for details: https://getchamp.myshopify.com/community/champ/forums/7-support/topics/16096-new-feature-link-target-attribute/page/1#post-41295

    This post was edited Mar 24, 2020 02:32PM

    Need help? Contact me at support@getchamp.net or here. Brand new! Add your own signature at https://getchamp.myshopify.com/community/champ/preference