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Planned Champ Features (September 2020)

Sep 5, 2020 - 11:27 PM

https://getchamp.myshopify.com/community/champ/forums/7/topics/19130 Copy
  • As usual, a monthly thread is created to keep our customers informed about what new features are coming up.


    • Fix pin / locked / etc badges for the topic list view
    • Truncate long quotes - September
    • Improve pagination - September
    • Fixed bug with unread topic / pulse still showing when back button is pressed
    • Fixed bug with pagination
    • Allow topics to be sorted (by views, latest post, created, upvotes) - September
    • Updated backend software
    • Have an alternative user online listing option (showing user name) - September
    • Allow viewing of list of users who upvoted - September
    • Enable exporting of users and their post counts - September
    • Have single parent-child cross-forum posts available - September
    • Improve forum caching - Ongoing
    • Update Sitemap with user profiles - TBD
    • Better user on-site notifications (eg. Facebook style) - TBD
    • Improve search result design


    • Timestamps for private messages - TBD
    • Investigate improvements for forum schema markup


    • Bulk updates to forums
    • Push notifications
    • Group (public) chatroom
    • User level bookmarking

    Last month's thread: https://getchamp.myshopify.com/community/champ/forums/7-support/topics/18172-planned-champ-features-august-2020

    If you have any ideas or suggestions, please add it below here. I ask that you create an account and log in if you post so that I can follow up with you directly if I have any questions or need clarification on suggestions.

    This post was edited Sep 30, 2020 06:03PM

    Need help? Contact me at support@getchamp.net or here. Brand new! Add your own signature at https://getchamp.myshopify.com/community/champ/preference
  • Really looking forward to the notification updates!
    Adding the page browsing numbers to the top of the page would save time if your revisiting a topic and need to go to the next page without having to scroll all the way down first to accesses that.


  • Possibly allowing a topic created by a moderator to be in multiple forums as a way to announce a message to the group instead of needing to create a topic with the same information on every forum page.

    I currently have created the same topic 7 times for each forum page to have a community announcement.

  • Once on a forum page the word “pinned” should be moved to the upper right hand corner to maximize on space like it is on the topic page. This should help with the user experience on a smaller device. Keep up the hard work! Just an observation



  • Another idea to shorten a pages scrolling length could be to have the reply function show a preview instead of the full message. If the user would like to read the full message they can click on the gray box to expand it?

    Below is an example of the full message and what a preview message can look like.



  • Anonymous:
    Once on a forum page the word “pinned” should be moved to the upper right hand corner to maximize on space like it is on the topic page. This should help with the user experience on a smaller device. Keep up the hard work! Just an observation

    Yup -- agreed. I just pushed an update to this design. The labels should show on the upper right hand side to be consistent with the rest of the app.


    Need help? Contact me at support@getchamp.net or here. Brand new! Add your own signature at https://getchamp.myshopify.com/community/champ/preference
  • @michaelr I'm posting a reply in this topic thread to your question from the August post to keep all the messages of the current month to the same thread.

    I just tested the timer for the post reply on the demo (this current) forum, and it seems to work on here (for 0 seconds).

    Could you email me at support@getchamp.net with your __.myshopify.com domain and I'll help you get it sorted out.


    Need help? Contact me at support@getchamp.net or here. Brand new! Add your own signature at https://getchamp.myshopify.com/community/champ/preference
  • For the rest of the above suggestions above, I've added it to the todo. Many of them are pretty good and very sensible.

    Just as a note to our new users of Champ:

    • As a general rule, feature requests that benefit the entire app and have broad-based use cases are prioritized and are generally accepted.
    • As Champ becomes more feature-rich, maintaining edge case features is more difficult. You will notice that the settings section of the dashboard has grown over the years (if you've been with us since the beginning). As a result, I need to weigh the pros and cons of adding features that would affect the performance of the app, ease-of-use, and future maintainability of code

    Need help? Contact me at support@getchamp.net or here. Brand new! Add your own signature at https://getchamp.myshopify.com/community/champ/preference
  • Awesome. Makes sense. The app is great already. There all minor tweaks but I thought I’d share some ideas. Keep up the great work.

  • Feature added to truncate long quotes - (next post is the demo)

    Here's a demo with a long quote...
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque ut faucibus odio. Nullam quis sodales lorem. Sed sit amet odio sagittis, tempor dolor quis, blandit diam. Praesent laoreet sem massa, quis cursus dui sodales nec. Sed efficitur ut nisi non lobortis. Nunc eget ultrices mauris. Praesent finibus a odio sed lobortis. Praesent a maximus sem, non aliquet dui. Aliquam ut vehicula urna.

    In odio elit, accumsan vitae pretium non, faucibus blandit augue. Duis a elit in orci eleifend aliquet. Curabitur efficitur fringilla mauris, in porta odio tempus vitae. Quisque commodo lorem et semper sollicitudin. Praesent ut tellus in felis vulputate fermentum. Sed libero augue, imperdiet non ligula nec, congue congue nulla. Curabitur purus orci, semper ac leo in, bibendum eleifend lorem. Aenean sagittis posuere erat id ullamcorper. Praesent molestie fermentum orci, ut posuere sapien ornare nec. Cras a nulla malesuada, tempor turpis at, commodo ligula. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus dictum tempus tincidunt. In diam leo, viverra vel magna tincidunt, imperdiet bibendum dui.

    Vestibulum in augue eu ipsum pharetra pulvinar ac ac dui. Sed non tellus nec quam tincidunt auctor. Sed sagittis a felis quis rutrum. Mauris vitae eleifend massa. Sed lobortis posuere tortor nec vulputate. Morbi tempor consectetur ante, sit amet placerat augue aliquam sed. Mauris euismod odio ac ex luctus, in hendrerit libero elementum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Ut luctus augue quis quam vulputate lacinia.

    Praesent leo urna, gravida vitae nisl at, dictum imperdiet ipsum. Duis augue quam, imperdiet eu commodo nec, pellentesque porttitor purus. Donec pharetra velit vel porttitor mattis. Donec vestibulum scelerisque sodales. Phasellus eget nulla porta, euismod justo consectetur, gravida ligula. Vestibulum vel ipsum sollicitudin, pellentesque ligula non, tempor nibh. Nam a egestas leo. Sed id cursus orci, quis finibus est. Nullam porttitor risus id tempor maximus. Pellentesque neque odio, consectetur in lacus vel, euismod tristique nulla. Sed a odio vel risus interdum fermentum at id velit. Praesent porttitor, urna quis commodo ullamcorper, lorem mauris fringilla velit, non tempus nisi metus sed elit. Aliquam mollis ligula maximus ligula auctor pellentesque. Sed vitae nulla et sem cursus blandit non quis mi. Fusce ac euismod libero. Ut sit amet hendrerit augue.

    Donec scelerisque odio vel arcu ultrices, sed fermentum magna euismod. Nunc efficitur suscipit tortor, eget ultricies velit feugiat ut. Suspendisse eu erat aliquam, blandit quam vel, maximus ante. Phasellus in dolor iaculis, finibus augue quis, sagittis sem. Nam consequat, risus sed finibus posuere, purus nunc pretium orci, sit amet molestie odio tortor id massa. Nulla odio tellus, rhoncus a sodales et, suscipit ut felis. Maecenas lectus velit, dictum at diam ac, malesuada faucibus erat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam non nisl nisi. Pellentesque eu nibh iaculis, iaculis metus tempor, semper mi. Vivamus eleifend fringilla tellus.

    This post was edited Sep 7, 2020 11:07AM

    Need help? Contact me at support@getchamp.net or here. Brand new! Add your own signature at https://getchamp.myshopify.com/community/champ/preference
  • Champ Support:
    Feature added to truncate long quotes.
    Here's a demo with a long quote...
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque ut faucibus odio. Nullam quis sodales lorem. Sed sit amet odio sagittis, tempor dolor quis, blandit diam. Praesent laoreet sem massa, quis cursus dui sodales nec. Sed efficitur ut nisi non lobortis. Nunc eget ultrices mauris. Praesent finibus a odio sed lobortis. Praesent a maximus sem, non aliquet dui. Aliquam ut vehicula urna.
    In odio elit, accumsan vitae pretium non, faucibus blandit augue. Duis a elit in orci eleifend aliquet. Curabitur efficitur fringilla mauris, in porta odio tempus vitae. Quisque commodo lorem et semper sollicitudin. Praesent ut tellus in felis vulputate fermentum. Sed libero augue, imperdiet non ligula nec, congue congue nulla. Curabitur purus orci, semper ac leo in, bibendum eleifend lorem. Aenean sagittis posuere erat id ullamcorper. Praesent molestie fermentum orci, ut posuere sapien ornare nec. Cras a nulla malesuada, tempor turpis at, commodo ligula. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus dictum tempus tincidunt. In diam leo, viverra vel magna tincidunt, imperdiet bibendum dui.
    Vestibulum in augue eu ipsum pharetra pulvinar ac ac dui. Sed non tellus nec quam tincidunt auctor. Sed sagittis a felis quis rutrum. Mauris vitae eleifend massa. Sed lobortis posuere tortor nec vulputate. Morbi tempor consectetur ante, sit amet placerat augue aliquam sed. Mauris euismod odio ac ex luctus, in hendrerit libero elementum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Ut luctus augue quis quam vulputate lacinia.
    Praesent leo urna, gravida vitae nisl at, dictum imperdiet ipsum. Duis augue quam, imperdiet eu commodo nec, pellentesque porttitor purus. Donec pharetra velit vel porttitor mattis. Donec vestibulum scelerisque sodales. Phasellus eget nulla porta, euismod justo consectetur, gravida ligula. Vestibulum vel ipsum sollicitudin, pellentesque ligula non, tempor nibh. Nam a egestas leo. Sed id cursus orci, quis finibus est. Nullam porttitor risus id tempor maximus. Pellentesque neque odio, consectetur in lacus vel, euismod tristique nulla. Sed a odio vel risus interdum fermentum at id velit. Praesent porttitor, urna quis commodo ullamcorper, lorem mauris fringilla velit, non tempus nisi metus sed elit. Aliquam mollis ligula maximus ligula auctor pellentesque. Sed vitae nulla et sem cursus blandit non quis mi. Fusce ac euismod libero. Ut sit amet hendrerit augue.
    Donec scelerisque odio vel arcu ultrices, sed fermentum magna euismod. Nunc efficitur suscipit tortor, eget ultricies velit feugiat ut. Suspendisse eu erat aliquam, blandit quam vel, maximus ante. Phasellus in dolor iaculis, finibus augue quis, sagittis sem. Nam consequat, risus sed finibus posuere, purus nunc pretium orci, sit amet molestie odio tortor id massa. Nulla odio tellus, rhoncus a sodales et, suscipit ut felis. Maecenas lectus velit, dictum at diam ac, malesuada faucibus erat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam non nisl nisi. Pellentesque eu nibh iaculis, iaculis metus tempor, semper mi. Vivamus eleifend fringilla tellus.

    And the demo


    Need help? Contact me at support@getchamp.net or here. Brand new! Add your own signature at https://getchamp.myshopify.com/community/champ/preference
  • Hey Champ...
    Thanks for the updates...
    I had an idea, what about being able to tag a fellow user and they will be notified that they were tagged in a specific post or thread

    Screen Shot 2020-09-07 at 10.31.40 AM.png

  • Anonymous:
    Hey Champ... Thanks for the updates... I had an idea, what about being able to tag a fellow user and they will be notified that they were tagged in a specific post or thread

    Currently, you can set up email notifications for users already if they're mentioned anywhere in the forum. The user can still opt out of this (due to privacy and GDPR reasons).

    Notifications in the forum are currently being redesigned. I don't have a timeline for this for when this will be released, but it will be more of the style of a dropdown on the upper right hand with a list of unread messages (like Facebook style).


    Need help? Contact me at support@getchamp.net or here. Brand new! Add your own signature at https://getchamp.myshopify.com/community/champ/preference
  • @champsupport when clicking the Unread Posts button in the top right corner, it gives us a list of unread posts, but it shows them with all of the formatting code. Earlier I believe you corrected an issue where this code came up in post previews in the forum. Would it be possible to remove this formatting code from this view as well? Here is a screenshot for reference. https://monosnap.com/file/uebmB146sqDP4k6QiwVs9zVkcBVlTu

  • @michaelr I'll need to look at those posts and come up with a regex -- this is a pattern matching code on our backend that parses out that formatting code.

    In the previous update when you emailed me, it actually caused some issues so I had to make some adjustments. I'll get on this and will push out a fix some time today. It takes some time for me (trial and error), so hopefully I'll be able to push out an update in the next hour or so.


    Need help? Contact me at support@getchamp.net or here. Brand new! Add your own signature at https://getchamp.myshopify.com/community/champ/preference
  • @michaelr

    I think I figured out a new way to handle this. Should be fixed (hopefully permanently).



    Need help? Contact me at support@getchamp.net or here. Brand new! Add your own signature at https://getchamp.myshopify.com/community/champ/preference
  • Champ Support:
    I think I figured out a new way to handle this. Should be fixed (hopefully permanently).

    amazing, thank you!

  • Heres a possible solution to improver the user experience. If you've been following reading a topic conversation and the conversation grows into a second page you have to do multiple steps to get to that page.

    Click topic
    scroll down to the bottom
    click the next page
    Those steps are needed to just pickup where you left off.

    If the the topic had the page numbers displayed ( example attached below ) you could navigate a lot faster. I Believe this will help improve to keep conversations going.

    With the update a person can click directly to the page needed from the forum topic subject.

    Let me know if you need clarification.

    Screen Shot 2020-09-16 at 9.31.37 AM.png

    Screen Shot 2020-09-16 at 9.32.11 AM.png

  • Whoops forgot to say. The Travis Scott topic has 2 pages but you wouldn't know that from looking.

    It would be great if it could be added in without another line of text. Maybe next to the subject or the topic creators name?

    Either way great job. This forum app is awesome

  • @Anonymous -- That is a really good idea.

    What I think I'll do:

    • Incorporate your suggestion -- I really like the way that looks
    • I'm also thinking of adding a floating pagination bar when a user scrolls down in the thread.

    Was meaning to get to it this past weekend. I'll see what I can accomplish this week with that. Expect something by Friday.

    This post was edited Sep 16, 2020 02:11PM

    Need help? Contact me at support@getchamp.net or here. Brand new! Add your own signature at https://getchamp.myshopify.com/community/champ/preference
Quick reply

How to format posts

Champ uses Markdown for formatting text in posts. Certain markup tags (eg. H1) are forbidden to ensure that pages remain semantically compliant. Other tags are automatically sanitized to ensure all content is secure.

  • Emphasis, aka italics, with *asterisks* or _underscores_.
  • Strong emphasis, aka bold, with **asterisks** or __underscores__.
  • Combined emphasis with **asterisks and _underscores_**.
  • Strikethrough uses two tildes. ~~Scratch this.~~
  • Links are added automatically, but can be formatted like so: [My link](https://mylink.com)
For more information, take a look at the Markdown Cheatsheet.