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Planned Champ Features (Mar 2021)

Jan 3, 2021 - 10:22 AM

https://getchamp.myshopify.com/community/champ/forums/7/topics/22120 Copy
  • As usual, a monthly thread is created to keep our customers informed about what new features are coming up.

    Note -- All development from December were deferred until January/February 2021 due to circumstances surrounding changes to the Shopify platform.


    • Ability to pin certain post to the top of a thread - March
    • Improve thumbs up icon interaction - March
    • Improve search result design - March
    • Add emoji selector - February
    • Improve first post design - TBD
    • Update Sitemap with user profiles - TBD
    • User level bookmarking - TBD
    • Improve forum caching - Ongoing
    • Improve tagging user functionality - TBD
    • Improve post ui interface - TBD
    • Expand functionality to customize notificaiton email - TBD


    • Timestamps for private messages - TBD
    • Investigate improvements for forum schema markup


    • Bulk updates to forums
    • Push notifications
    • Group (public) chatroom

    Last month's thread: https://getchamp.myshopify.com/community/champ/forums/7-support/topics/21600-planned-champ-features-december-2020

    If you have any ideas or suggestions, please add it below here. I ask that you create an account and log in if you post so that I can follow up with you directly if I have any questions or need clarification on suggestions.

    This post was edited Mar 6, 2021 11:27AM

    Need help? Contact me at support@getchamp.net or here. Brand new! Add your own signature at https://getchamp.myshopify.com/community/champ/preference
  • Apologies to all! Unscheduled server migration completed this afternoon.

    Systems should be back online completely now (2:25 PM EST)


    Need help? Contact me at support@getchamp.net or here. Brand new! Add your own signature at https://getchamp.myshopify.com/community/champ/preference
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How to format posts

Champ uses Markdown for formatting text in posts. Certain markup tags (eg. H1) are forbidden to ensure that pages remain semantically compliant. Other tags are automatically sanitized to ensure all content is secure.

  • Emphasis, aka italics, with *asterisks* or _underscores_.
  • Strong emphasis, aka bold, with **asterisks** or __underscores__.
  • Combined emphasis with **asterisks and _underscores_**.
  • Strikethrough uses two tildes. ~~Scratch this.~~
  • Links are added automatically, but can be formatted like so: [My link](https://mylink.com)
For more information, take a look at the Markdown Cheatsheet.