Hello Champ friends,
To all our merchants, thank you for your support. To those who are new here, welcome!
Champ was started nearly 2 years ago. The first lines of code for Champ was started in January 2018, and the first release of the app was in April 2018.
Since then, I (as a single founder/programmer/support person) have been improving the app thanks to the suggestions I've received from you, the merchants.
A few helpful links for those who are new here (and for those who've been around but didn't realize it existed :-)):
Our user guide / manual resides at https://getchamp.net/guides. Please take a look at this first -- it should answer your questions at least 95% of the time. If there's a documentation article you think that might be helpful, do let me know and I can write it up to help others.
Next, if you have any issues, please post it here as others might (now or in the future) may be experiencing the same problem. You can search for existing posts in the search bar (upper right hand corner) for existing threads on the problem.
Contact me via email at support[at]getchamp.net. I usually reply within a few hours, but sometimes replies can take up to 24-48 hours. The help desk software I'm using has been known to not notify me when I get new emails and/or sending emails to spam.
Finally, if you have an idea for a feature, please post it in the monthly thread that's dedicated to feature requests and updates: https://getchamp.myshopify.com/community/champ/forums/7-support/topics/12440-planned-champ-features-january-2020. This thread changes every month, so be sure to post it in the current month's thread.
Here's to a great 2020 and beyond! :-)